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John Gilbert Young – Pride Interview

1. What inspired you to work in film?
I’ve always wanted to be a storyteller. Even at 10 or 11 years old I wanted to create stories about family and finding connections. When I was 12 I learned that you could do that through filmmaking and so my odyssey began.
2. What does Pride mean to you, and do you have any advice for the next generation? 
I love pride! Sometimes I hear folks react to it with a sort of cynicism… I think pride requires each of us to find a way to celebrate ourselves and those we love. It certainly doesn’t have to be in a big parade, Small acknowledgments are just as important. I’m not sure what you mean by next generation? Of filmmakers? If so I would just encourage any young queer artists not to self censor their own material or that of others. Work we now consider canon was once perceived of as vulgar and offensive.
3. What is your next project?
In someway my next project has been the one I’ve been involved with for the past two years: Chair of the Film conservatory at Purchase College.  Of course I have several other projects in the works including a feature film about a young man named Juan Dubose who was the first boyfriend of Keith Haring.