Synopsis: After the Wizard is a heartfelt, often humorous and always entertaining story about a 12-year-old girl named Elizabeth who lives in an orphanage in Kingman, Kansas. Like millions of girls her age, she has read the beloved L. Frank Baum novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz countless times. But unlike other girls, Elizabeth believes she is Dorothy… and maybe she is. Since Elizabeth refers to herself as Dorothy and is constantly looking for Toto and a way back to Oz, the headmistress at the orphanage worries about her and fears that she is losing touch with reality. Meanwhile back in Oz things have not gone well for the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman or the Lion. Oz is in trouble and they believe Dorothy is the one person who can help save their home, just as she did before. Only this time they have to find her. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman embark on an incredible cross-country adventure as they leave Oz to search for Dorothy in Kansas. Traveling by hot air balloon, train, bus and foot, the endearing duo find themselves lost in a world full of colorful strangers who are familiar with them, including a group of New Jersey schoolchildren they mistake for Munchkins and a wise Southern blind man who guides them on their journey. An unforgettable story unfolds as the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman search for and are reunited with Dorothy, the kind of story that lives on in the imagination and hearts of people forever. Based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and characters created by L. Frank Baum.