Revenge Strategy

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Synopsis: A father, who has tragically lost his family, decides to get “payback” on his family’s executioners. He unwittingly joins forces with a conformed female terrorist, as he begins to track them down to exact his own style of revenge before they can identify him.

Director: Carlos Varela

Starring: Alejandro Aguilar, Elizabeth Cervantes, Lara Corrochano

Runtime: 93 min

Digital Release Date: October 6th


Synopsis: A father, who has tragically lost his family, decides to get “payback” on his family’s executioners. He unwittingly joins forces with a conformed female terrorist, as he begins to track them down to exact his own style of revenge before they can identify him.

Director: Carlos Varela

Starring: Alejandro Aguilar, Elizabeth Cervantes, Lara Corrochano

Runtime: 93 min

Digital Release Date: October 6th