A story of male bonding and murder, as two slaughterhouse workers go on a killing spree across the Australian countryside. Small town living suits Box just fine. Blue-collar, safe, simple.
A passion for slaughter keeps him in line at the local abattoir where he has the chance to quench his thirst for blood. When Nathan, a young parolee arrives in town, Box is instructed to take him under his wing, and soon the two men bond over a bloody murder.
Unable to resist the temptations of blood, the two form a friendship revolving around their sickness for bloodshed. A friendship that is bad news for everyone in town as they become lambs for the slaughter used solely as entertainment for the duo.
Digital Release Date: 4/6/21
DVD Release Date: 4/6/21
Director: Sam Curtain
Writers: Sam Curtain, Benjamin Clarke
Producers: Sam Curtain, Benjamin Clarke
Cinematography: Leuke Marriott
Makeup Effects: Arabella Barwick
Editor: Sam Curtain
Sound Design: Dmitry Kroupsky
Composer: Caleb Jacobs
Main Cast: Box / Craig Ingham , Nathan / James Mason, Tracey / Kristen Condon , Blake / Dean Kirkright
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Runtime: 78 minutes
Language: English
Year of Production: 2020